Welcome to Yuncheng plate making group east China head office!

New normal and new growth in the new fiscal year -- the speech contest and commendation meeting for outstanding employees of East China head office in fiscal year 2021 was successfully held

Release time:2022-03-11

Source: this website


  The contestants of the speech contest are selected from the outstanding winners of the year through layers, including professional and enthusiastic production experts; Pursue advanced and innovative technology; Be strict with yourself and keep improving; Excellent newcomers with excellent character and learning and emerging talents; Excellent employees who are outstanding, specialized and versatile, and excellent sales personnel who can recruit and fight well and have outstanding performance; There are also outstanding cadres who have been refined into steel and set an example; An excellent team with concentrated efforts and courage to win the war. Their speeches are either vivid, passionate, eloquent, or witty, with touching stories and brilliant achievements. At the end of the competition, the judges selected the first, second and third prizes according to the comprehensive scoring, and awarded them certificates of honor and prizes. Through this competition, it not only infected all employees, but also stimulated the outstanding representatives' confidence and determination.


  Li Chunshi, the general manager of East China company, delivered a speech of commendation. He encouraged everyone to keep in mind the original mission of creating value for customers and seeking happiness for employees in the new normal year of multi-point spread of the epidemic and rapid changes in the social environment and competitive environment, and always optimize the process and resource allocation around customer value creation; Internal quality and efficiency as the starting point, and all employees carry out all kinds of work creatively, we will be able to achieve new growth. In the commendation link, a total of 92 people and 17 excellent teams won the annual commendation of the head office. The bright red certificates and medals condense the diligence, wisdom and sweat of each striver, which is not only a heavy honor, but also their responsibility and motivation to go on a new journey.


  All the past is a prelude, and all the future is to be expected. The new fiscal year has already begun. Let's keep up with the development of the group company, innovate, forge ahead, unite as one, work hard and strive for new and greater achievements in fiscal year 2022.